I am passionate about creating meaningful connections with people and places worldwide through culture. I do this by maximizing travel experiences - both highbrow and lowbrow - that focus on art, food & wine and music. I like sailing, hiking, and scuba as much as checking out the latest restaurants, jazz clubs and spas. My superpower is detailed trip planning and leveraging loyalty - airlines, hotels, credit cards - to create the best travel adventures possible.

North Shore Oahu
Hawaii Guest User Hawaii Guest User

North Shore Oahu

Aloha! I am super excited to be back in Hawaii again in August of 2021! This time I'm joined by my "Ohana" - the Hawaiian word for family that includes relatives, friends, "aunties and uncles," and loved ones.

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Hawaii - Oahu & Big Island
Hawaii Guest User Hawaii Guest User

Hawaii - Oahu & Big Island

For the past few years, I spend New Years' in Hawaii to escape the cold and snow of Philadelphia. I usually meet up with my travel buddy, Chris from New Zealand, re-connect with nature, get some vitamin D and have a mai tai or two - a drink I'd never have anywhere else in the world.

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